Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Security Issues

        Instant Messaging (IM) is a famous consumer sector and there are many Instant Messaging (IM) is being developed nowadays. This is because it has becoming as an important communication tool not only to school students, but also to the company workers.
          How does IM works? By using simple example, IM can be as simple as handshake. A user request to transmit data and the other user agrees to accept the data. The receiver can decline the data sent by the sender thus leads to incomplete data transmission. It needs two to tango. User can contacts anyone as long as the other party is on his contact list.

Most IM offers some of the features such:

·         Instant messages
·         Chat
·         Web links
·         Images 
·         Sounds
·         Files
·         Talk
·         Mobile capabilities 

Example of the IM

             Unfortunately, the current IM does not provide security features which the security features are supposed to be an essential element especially when it involves data transmission over the network. Without security features, the confidential and private data resources will be exposed indirectly to all internet users. 
          Some of the issues rises from IM are eavesdropping, account hijacking, data access and modification, worms and blended threats. When two clients communicate each other by using IM, there would be the third party who is interested to the conversation, which is called as eavesdroppers. Account hijacking is about pretending as the real owner of an account and impersonates him in any conversations. This happens when the attacker gains the username and correct password from data files in clients’ file.
          Most of IM users are using public networks and uses IM provider server which does not secured by any firewalls like private IM. Thus, data might be exposed to irresponsible party. Before the date been received by the receiver, the data will go to the public server, then only receiver. Along the way, some sensitive and private data will loss or eavesdrop.
          Insecure IM will attract identity theft and cyber stalking.  An identity theft will use other person account and basically they will use it for various monetary transactions. By the time the real owner realize, the transaction already been done.
          Cyber stalking is one of the common crimes done over the internet. Stalker will stalk the victim through the internet. By using IM, stalker will easily determine whether the victim is online or offline.
picture by http://www.safetyweb.com/blog/internet-safety-how-to-prevent-cyber-stalking/
Example picture of cyber stalker (source: from the google)

     i.              Unknown, instant messaging (IM or IM-ing or AIM), Jan 2001.
    ii.   Campbell, J.D. ; Stanziola, E. ; Jinjuan Feng ; " Instant Messaging: between the   messages”, Nov 10, 2003.
  iii.      Unknown, “Computer Security: A Practical Definition”,http://www.albion.com/security/intro-4.html, 1999.


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